
There is currently a lot of talk about economic recession, but do you really know what that means?

Today we will talk a little about what leads a country to this type of problem, and understand whether we are likely to experience this.

Furthermore, we will see what this type of situation generates in the economy, and all the aspects it affects.


What is Economic Recession

One economic recession is a reduction in the growth of a country's economy that is generally measured as a decline in the GDP for at least two consecutive quarters.

But there are several factors that can lead to a economic recession, including:

Growth slowdown. A slowdown in economic growth could be the first sign of a recession. This may occur due to a drop in production, consumption or investment.

Financial instability. Financial instability, such as bank failures or a debt crisis, can lead to an economic recession.

Unemployment. Rising unemployment can affect the economy by reducing people's income and consumption, which leads to a drop in production and investment.


Inflation. A high rate of inflation can lead to a recession by increasing costs for businesses and consumers, resulting in a drop in production and consumption.

Commercial tensions. Trade tensions, such as tariffs imposed on imported products or trade barriers, can negatively affect companies that depend on imports and exports, which can lead to a recession.

External factors. External factors, such as the pandemic, natural disasters or political conflicts, can have a negative impact on a country's economy and lead to a recession.

In short, an economic recession is the result of a combination of internal and external factors that harm a country's economic activity. It is important that governments take action to stimulate the economy and protect people during a recession.

Who is close to a recession

It is not possible to determine with certainty which countries are closest to suffering an economic recession. This is because this situation can be caused by a combination of unpredictable internal and external factors.

However, some countries that are facing economic challenges, such as high interest rates, high public debt, low consumer confidence and political uncertainty, may be at risk of a recession.


Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the economies of many countries around the world, which could lead to a global economic recession. It is important to highlight that the economy is a complex area and it is always important to monitor the development of economies to assess the risk of recession.

How to get through a recession

The best ways to weather an economic recession include:

Fiscal stimulus: The government can invest in infrastructure, offer subsidies to affected sectors and increase social spending to stimulate the economy.

Flexible monetary policies: The monetary authority can reduce interest rates to stimulate credit and investment.

Structural reforms: The government can implement economic reforms to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of the economy, such as labor market reforms and simplification of the tax system.

Social protection: The government can implement measures to protect workers and families affected by the recession, such as unemployment insurance programs and financial assistance.

International cooperation: International cooperation can be important to face a global economic recession, such as trade agreements and financial alliances.

In short, facing an economic recession requires coordinated actions from different sectors of society, including the government, companies and individuals. It is important to have a well-structured action plan and implement effective measures to stimulate the economy and protect those affected by the recession.

See more at EconomyPortal.