
How to find out who gets a discount on their electricity bill, then learn everything about the Social Electricity Tariff?

Did you know that there is a benefit provided by the Federal Government, which provides discounts on your electricity bill? Want to know how? Keep reading.

First of all, know that the benefit is called Social Electricity Tariff, and the discount percentage varies depending on the family.


This benefit was created in 2002, with the aim of helping low-income families, however, few people know that this is possible.

And the TSEE grants a discount of 10%, 40% or 65%, depending on the kWh consumption of the energy bill.

But, in the case of indigenous and quilombola families, who meet the prerequisites, the discounts are 10%, 40% and reach 100%.


Discount amount

As we mentioned previously, discounts are based on the amount of kWh used per month, and the limit is 200 kWh.

Therefore, it is possible to know the value and who is entitled to the discount on the electricity bill, just by looking at the kWh consumed.

So, let's see the discount table:


Up to 30 KWh 65%

From 31 KWh to 100 KWh 40%

From 101 KWh to 220 KWh 10%

In the case of indigenous or quilombola families, the table is a little different:


Up to 50 KWh 100%

From 51 KWh to 100 KWh 40%

From 101 KWh to 220 KWh 10%

Requirements to request the benefit

The requirements are simple, so it is also simple to know who is entitled to the discount on electricity bill.

The 3 conditions are as follows:

– Families registered in the CaÚnico and who have a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person in the family.

In other words, you add up the salary of everyone who works and divide it by the number of people who live in the house.

However, you must be registered with the CadÚnico.

– The second group that can receive the Social Electricity Tariff are elderly people aged 65 or over or people with disabilities, who receive the Continuous Payment Benefit.

This is another benefit granted by the Government, and we have an article talking about it, click here to check it out.

– Finally, the third group are families, registered with CadÚnico, with a monthly income of up to 3 minimum wages and who have an illness or disability.

And the diseases or disabilities are very broad, they can be physical, motor, auditory, visual, intellectual and multiple. 

 If the treatment, medical procedure requires the continuous use of devices, instruments or equipment that use electrical energy in their operation.

Therefore, to find out who is entitled to a discount on their electricity bill, if the person falls into one of the 3 groups above.

How to request the benefit

According to ANEEL, one of the family members must request their electricity the classification of the consumer unit as eligible to receive.

To do this, you must inform:

– Name, CPF and Identity Card or some other official document with photo. In the case of indigenous people, RANI.

– The code of the unit to be benefited is normally described on the energy bill.

– The NIS (Social Identification Number) or the family code of the CadÚnico or even the Benefit Number, in the case of families covered by the BPC.

– And in the case of families who continually use devices, present the report and certificate signed by a medical professional.

After this, the electricity company will consult with the CadÚnico or to the registration of BPC checking the information.

It is also important to remember that the CadÚnico need to be updated for at least 2 years.

For more information, you can contact your local distributor or ANEEL, by phone 167.

And to find out how to register CadÚnico, contact your city hall or the Ministry of Citizenship website.

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