
PIX completed just over 2 years of operation and has updated its rules PIX night limit.

The PIX, which had recently received a security update, recently had a new update.

Previously, mandatory notifications of rejected transactions had been introduced and, in the case of suspected fraud, the refund of the amount and preventive blocking.


Also, the nightly transaction limit was 1 reais for individuals between 8pm and 6am.

However, this limit can be changed through electronic service channels.

There are currently around 350 million registered keys, the majority of which belong to individuals. And PIX accounts for around 72% of banking operations.


And in this first year alone, the system managed to reduce banking costs for companies by 5 billion.

What were the changes?

The change was exactly in the PIX night limit, which since October had been limited to one thousand reais, and the customer could request a change.

According to the old rule, the customer could choose to start nighttime between 8pm and 11:59pm, but at the end user's request the limit is now 10pm.

The night limit comprises the period in which the customer can only make transactions of up to R$ 1 reais. You can extend the period.

However, this nighttime limitation only affects individuals, legal entities (companies) are not affected.

Previously, the user could choose, for example, 21:13 or 22:37, etc., so the normative instruction was changed to better define customization.

Therefore, the user can now choose to have the standard nighttime hours (8pm to 6am) or the hours from 10pm to 6am.

Why this change?

The main reason for changing the PIX night limit It's security.

As the BC monitored numerous cases of fraud, scams and crimes such as flash kidnappings, the need for change was understood.

The limit of R$ 1 thousand reais can also be changed, the user simply needs to request a change in the service channels.

But so that it is not a criminal requesting a change in the limit, there is a period of analysis by the institutions, so that the identity of those who requested the change can be confirmed.

The regulations also informed that institutions had a deadline of July 29, 2022 to make the PIX option available within the applications.

How to register PIX

If you haven't yet PIX access key, currently all banking applications have the PIX area where this can be done.

Just choose which type of key you will register, whether CPF, phone number or email. And it is even possible to use a random key.

In addition, it is possible to use receipt functions by entering a specific amount, pay or receive with a QR Code reader, and even give change.

If you have any other questions, you should contact your bank's customer service center on the bank's website. central bank.

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