
The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly increased the number of vulnerable people in the country, which makes the initiative even more important.

O Gas Aid is a Brazilian government initiative to help low-income families deal with high cooking gas prices.

Gas Aid

The Brazilians' Gas Aid launched in June 2021 and, initially, provided for the payment of aid of R$ 100 every two months to around 13.5 million families registered with the Single Registry (CadÚnico) of the federal government.


However, in August 2021, it was readjusted to R$ 120 and the number of benefiting families increased to around 17 million.

O Gas Aid granted through the application box has, which allows cash withdrawals or the purchase of gas cylinders directly from partner establishments.

The objective is to facilitate families' access to cooking gas and reduce the need to cook with firewood or other polluting fuels.

In addition to helping low-income families save money and improve their quality of life, Auxílio Gás also has a positive impact on the environment, by encouraging the use of cleaner and safer fuel.


However, the program still faces challenges, such as the unequal distribution of gas cylinders in some regions of the country and the need to improve communication with beneficiary families. Even so, the Gas Aid represents a significant advance in the fight against poverty and social inequality in Brazil.


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Other aid during the pandemic

During the Covid-19 pandemic, several aids were created by the Brazilian government to help people affected by the economic crisis caused by the pandemic.

This aid aimed to help guarantee the income and livelihood of families.

In addition to boosting the economy and maintaining employment and economic activity.

In addition to gas aid for Brazilians, there was also emergency aid

Emergency Aid

One of the main aids created Emergency Aid, launched in April 2020 and had several payment stages.

In the amount of R$ 600.00 or R$ 1,200.00 for single mothers and aimed at informal workers.


Individual microentrepreneurs (MEIs), self-employed and unemployed people who met the established income criteria.

In addition, other aids were also created, such as Emergency Employment and Income Preservation Benefit (BEm)

Which allowed the reduction of working hours and salaries for workers with a formal contract.

National Support Program for Micro and Small Businesses (Pronampe)

Which made low-interest loans available to small business owners.

There was also a temporary suspension of payment of loans granted to retirees and pensioners of the INSS.

In addition to the release of emergency withdrawals from the FGTS and the anticipation of 13th salary for retirees and pensioners of INSS.

In short, this aid was important to minimize the economic impacts of the pandemic, guarantee income and livelihood for families and maintain economic activity.

However, many people still face financial difficulties and unemployment, and it is necessary to continue working to minimize the impacts of the pandemic on people's lives and the country's economy.