There are many ways to take care of your health, today, we can even use our smartphone with application to measure pressure.
With the help of cardiologists, developers have created a series of applications that help you track your blood pressure wherever you are.
However, do they really work? To resolve any doubts, we have separated the best in application to measure pressure.
So, if you have the disease, or know someone who suffers from it, stay tuned, we will list the best apps. Where you can access them with the conviction that you are always taking care of your health responsibly and safely.
BP Monitor
Firstly, we mention the Blood Pressure Monitor, or BP Monitor. One of the most accessed applications in the category.
O application to measure pressure BP Monitor is only available for IOS users, and offers you excellent options for monitoring your blood pressure.
However, the application is not suitable for those who want to measure their blood pressure on their cell phone. It offers a database, where you can write down your information, and pass it on in an organized way to your specialist.
By recording information and generating graphs, you will be able to monitor your health history, thus monitoring it more clearly.
Anyway, the app is completely free and has a 3.9 star rating on the App Store.
Smart BP
Secondly, we separate the Smart BP app. Very effective and complete for what it promises.
With a simple, innovative and modern interface, the application allows you to record your information completely.
However, the application allows you to monitor your measurement values, variations in your blood pressure and share them with other users of the platform.
In addition to measuring your systolic pressure It is diastolic, the user can include his BMI (Body Mass Index), activate and deactivate your weight control, and, add observations.
It is certainly one of the most accessed applications on our list, as it offers several options for monitoring the progress of your health.
Anyway, the application already has more than five hundred thousand downloads on the Android platform alone.
And it can also be found for iOS.
Blood pressure
Thirdly, we separate the application Blood pressure. A true smart monitor that helps you monitor your health.
The application was created by the developers Leap Fitness, world-renowned among health apps.
With a current and simple-to-use interface, the application allows you to import and export information, with greater organization to be passed on to the specialist.
However, the application unfortunately does not provide blood pressure measurement without the use of other devices.
However, what he promises, he fulfills. More organized monitoring, eliminating the need for paper and pen.
Anyway, the application can be found for Android and has a 4.4 star rating. So, it's worth the test.
Pulse and Blood Pressure
We finish our list of applications with the Pulse and Blood Pressure. It is the only one on our list that does not require other devices to measure your blood pressure.
Through an innovative and easy-to-use interface, the user can measure their blood pressure whenever and wherever they want. Additionally, import and export information, and transfer it wherever you want.
However, the application Pulse and Blood Pressure It is only available for IOS users.
However, if you have an Apple smartphone and are looking for a complete and free application, this could be a great option. You can have a complete experience by linking the app on your Smartwatch.
We remember that none application to measure pressure replaces a specialist consultation. So, if you suffer from the disease and feel unwell frequently, we recommend that you see your doctor as soon as possible.