
Have you ever imagined using a livestock weighing app without needing to maneuver or use expensive scales, just using photos from your cell phone?

That's exactly what you just read, research shows that, among the world's farms, a small percentage have swings in the corral

With that in mind, the Agroninja, a big Hungarian startup, He had a brilliant idea that would make life easier for many farmers.


The creation of a app to weigh cattle using cell phone photos, and this would only happen using a photo of the animal

Benefits of weighing cattle via cell phone

The time of cattle weighing, it is a stressful time, after all the animal needs to leave its environment to go through the process. 

Furthermore, we are talking about a animal of many tons, therefore, adjusting it correctly causes a lot of inconvenience.


For none cattle breeder, stress and changes in mood are beneficial, on the contrary, this goes against the dynamics of good breeding, and makes the ox lose weight.

The ease of weighing without removing the animal from its place, just going to meet it, is something that has caught the attention of farmers. 

A Functional Scale

O application to weigh cattle using photos from your cell phone, has generated great expectations in animal breeders.

In this way, the fast and real samplings, no beef fattening process will be crucial. 

Can we trust the functionality of the scale?

According to the opinion of breeders who have already used the app to weigh cattle, it is a reliable tool when it comes to pre-shipment selection.

Application to weigh cattle on your cell phone

O application promises a way to quick weighing of cattle, which can last approximately 40 seconds.

Furthermore, the use of app to weigh cattle It's extremely simple.

Just use an Android cell phone, and with the app's camera you will capture a side photo of the ox.

You don't need to change the animal's environment, it can be taken in the pasture or in the corral, and you don't need to touch the animal to take the photo

For the use of agroninja beefie™-weighing or agroninja beefie3d™ – stressle or it is even necessary to request a release license.

Even though the application is released on Google Play, it is necessary to request permission for an active license to access the application.

Therefore, you need to access the website to place the order and guarantee your license. 

What can I weigh from the animal using my cell phone?

 With the virtual scale, you can monitor the animal's weight in real time, different from the traditional weighing methods.

  As  Agroninja Beefie app, you cattle breeders they can weigh and measure the height at the withers of the cattle, however, they need to maintain a safe distance (3 to 6 meters) without disturbing

The innovation for weighing cattle can arrive on your farm, intelligent weighing for intelligent breeders.

This way, you can control weight, make feeding decisions, and select specimens with good performance.

Discover the application for weighing cattle using photos from your cell phone and discover the benefits for good cattle breeding. 

agroninja beefie™-weighing

agroninja beefie3d™ – stressle

Agroninja website