
O Treasury Direct It is one of the most popular investment options in Brazil, especially among beginner investors.

This is a National Treasury investment program, created in 2002, which allows individuals to purchase public bonds over the internet.

There are several types of bonds available at Tesouro Direto, with different maturity dates, forms of remuneration and associated risks.


Among the main types of titles are Selic Treasury, O IPCA Treasury and the Prefixed Treasury.

SELIC Treasury

O Selic Treasury is a title postfix which follows the variation in the basic interest rate of the Brazilian economy (the Selic rate), offering a daily income that follows the evolution of the rate.

It is an interesting option for those who want to keep their money safe and available in the short term, as it allows redemption at any time without loss of profitability.


IPCA Treasury

Already the IPCA Treasury, a security indexed to inflation measured by IPCA (Broad Consumer Price Index), offering real profitability (above inflation) to the investor.

It is an interesting option for those who want to protect their money from inflation and guarantee real gains in the long term.

Prefixed Treasury

Finally, the Prefixed Treasury It is a security that offers a pre-determined interest rate, regardless of the variation in the Selic rate or inflation.

It is an interesting option for those who want to know exactly how much they will earn at the end of the investment period.

Investment tips

To invest in Treasury Direct, you must have an account with a stock broker that offers this service.

The broker charges an administration fee, which may vary according to the institution and the type of security chosen.

It is important to remember that, like any investment, the Treasury Direct It has risks, such as market risk (variation in the Selic rate and inflation), credit risk (risk of government default) and liquidity risk (possibility of not being able to sell the security when desired).

Therefore, it is essential to carefully evaluate the pros and cons before investing, and enlist the help of an investment professional, if necessary.

In summary, Tesouro Direto is an interesting investment option for those looking to profitability safely and practically.

With different types of securities available, you can find the option that best suits your needs and investment objectives.

However, it is important to always evaluate the risks involved and rely on the support of a reliable broker and an investment professional, if necessary.