Arquivos Apps - Economia Portal
Showing: 1 - 10 of 51 RESULTS
Aplicativo  gratuito para rastrear carro

Free car tracking app

If you are one of those people who always forgets where you parked your car, you need to know about the free car tracking app. Parking in shopping malls, markets, fairs and in busy places will no longer be a problem. The app maps where your car is and works like a GPS, directing you to the parking location. …

Aplicativo para controlar outro celular

 Application to control another cell phone

If you want to keep your family safe, or even track your cell phone or someone else's, check out the app to control another cell phone. You can validate your children's internet access, maintaining the security of what can be accessed. And in the same way, have control over your cell phone…

Aplicativo para ver encanamentos na parede

Application to see pipes in the wall

If you work in construction and want to know what's behind your wall, check out the app to see pipes in the wall. The application we are going to present uses 3D sensor technology, and allows users to discover pipes and what is behind their wall. Have you ever wondered how it is…

Aplicativo para pesar gado usando fotos do celular

Application to weigh cattle using cell phone photos

Have you ever imagined using an app to weigh cattle without having to maneuver or use expensive scales, just using photos from your cell phone? That's exactly what you just read, research shows that, among farms in the world, a small percentage have scales in the corral. With that in mind, Agroninja, a large Hungarian startup, had a brilliant…

Aplicativo para identificar pedras

Application to identify stones

You can know the type of stone you find on the way, with the application to identify stones, you can even find crystals. The application for finding precious stones, or crystals, is used not only by curious people, but also by students. The application can bring important characteristics and the values that each stone offers. Just use the…

Aplicativo para identificar inseto

Application to identify insects

Identifying an insect has never been so easy, you know that unwanted animal that appears out of nowhere, with the insect identification app, you'll know who it is. If you have been bitten by an unknown insect, and you are not sure about its toxicity, the insect identification app is a great tool. Furthermore, the applications mentioned below…

Aplicativos para assistir tĂªnis

Applications for watching tennis

Find out everything that's happening at the Australian Open, the first tennis tournament of the year 2024, discover the best apps for watching live tennis. The tournament is coming with a bang, and you can't miss the opportunity to follow the tennis tournament live. Follow the scores of Australian Open games and…

Aplicativo para aumentar a bateria do celular

Application to increase your cell phone battery

Cell phone batteries have a limited lifespan, find out about the app to increase your cell phone battery. With the right app, you can handle and take good care of your smartphone's battery, identifying what may be increasing consumption. This makes it easy to use your cell phone correctly, pay attention to…

Aplicativo para aproveitar a Black Friday

Application to enjoy Black Friday

Black Friday is the most anticipated time for great end-of-year promotions, with the app to take advantage of Black Friday, you can compare the best prices. Discover the most reliable sites to buy on Black Friday, and those that actually offer low prices. Ame One of the best-known cashback apps…

Aplicativo anti furto para celular

Anti-theft app for cell phone

Did you know that you can now count on an anti-theft app for your cell phone, with countless tools to help you travel safely. Today we can count on applications that issue alerts, block and even activate a GPS locator to make it difficult for your cell phone to be stolen. A security that we need to have in case of…